Monday, October 20, 2008

Collaborative, Student-Driven Classrooms

Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach gave a great keynote at Maine's ACTEM conference last week, and Bob Sprankle has posted it on his site, Bit by Bit. Wow! What a great keynote to share with administrators.

Nussbaum-Beach speaks of the shift in teaching and learning that should be happening in our classrooms--a shift to a student-driven, globally connected model. One-to-one programs like the one in my district won't be successful without this major shift. I don't think it's widely understood though. I wonder if administrators get this crucial shift that is necessary. And if they don't "get it", will the teachers? Do administrators have the leeway to lead in a different way, to embrace this shift? I suspect not.

So how do we ensure a successful on-to-one?

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