Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Week 1 Thing #2 Life Long Learning & Habits

I've joined the Blogosphere! Wow!

I've been reading blogs and listening to podcasts consistently since last summer when I attended David Warlick's session Redefining Literacy for the 21st Century at ALA. What a thought-provoking session that was! While I had been interested in various educational podcasts before that time, I hadn't really read many blogs, and wasn't sure that all of this was just cool technology or if it was really relevant to our world of education. Mr. Warlick tied up all the reasons for me that these web2.0 tools are important pieces of the information landscape for our students--and for all of us!

Easiest Habit for me--utilizing my own learning "toolbox."
I regularly use all sorts of media to try to keep myself current--
professional books & journals, web sites, research databases, blogs, podcasts, etc.

Most Difficult Habit for me--Viewing problems as challenges
A wise principal once told me, in talking about a personnel problem that we had going on our school, that in her view, no one was "wrong" for our staff. She said that when she has personnel issues, she looks at how she can change the situation rather than the person. How can she get the goal accomplished while utilizing all her staff to their best abilities. That was a perfect reminder to me of how I should think. I try to remember that concept, but I sometimes slip into the "problem" mode rather than the "challenge" mode!

Another difficult Habit for me is to start with the end in mind. I sometimes tend to have too vague an idea of the outcome I'm looking for. I have to make a conscious effort to think in detailed terms.

Lifelong Learning--that's what it's all about!

1 comment:

Jackie S, 2.0 project manager said...

Welcome to School Library Learning 2.0 - we welcome Texas librarians to our summer 2.0 fun.

You have already posted some terrific videos. Hope you share your blog with your colleagues at school and throughout the state.

- Jackie Siminitus